Access a series of 12 chapters told through
immersive audios + Comics + 2D animation.
Choose how you want to be
a part of the GaNg.
We'll elevate the experience using 3D animation
to tell our story.
After unlocking this stage the 12 chapter series
will be told through immersive audios
Comics + 2D animation + 3D animation
+ Giveaways.
The experience keeps getting richer and in this
case we go back to the roots using Traditional
Animation to tell our story
+ the delivery of one deluxe collectible.
After unlocking this stage the 12 chapter
series will be told through immersive
audios + Comics + 2D animation.
+ 3D animation + Giveaways + Traditional
Animation + Deluxe Collectibles.
We made it! We reached the final stage which
allows us to submerge in the Urban
Animals NFT Universe through a VR experience.
After unlocking this stage the 12 chapter series
will be told through immersive audios +
Comics + 2D animation. + 3D animation
+ Giveaways + traditional animation + Deluxe
Collectibles + VR.